Daily Assignment Reminders


Beginning this year, when you arrive for an assignment, you may be asked to sign your name in acknowledgement of the fact that you can expect to be dealing with a student or students with Safety Plans.

Before signing, be sure of the following:

* all information is clear, complete and relevant * you have been provided enough time to read and/or listen to the information * you understand the information * you have an opportunity to ask questions of an administrator as required * you remain comfortable with the assignment

Unless you are satisfied that these conditions have been met to adequately prepare you for a safe teaching experience, you are advised not to sign. Should you find yourself in this position, with no administrative assistance forthcoming, contact your Federation immediately. 705-725-0316 or email sceotnews@gmail.com


Same Day Cancellations


If you have not received cancellation notice within 75 minutes of the start time indicated in SCARRI, show up at your assignment and you will be paid.


If you have to cancel an assignment on the day of, you MUST call the school AND cancel in SCARRI!


Safe Schools – Name Tags and Keys

In October 2008, Phyllis Hili, Superintendent of Education, issued a memorandum numbered 2008-2009: 87


Thank you all for your work to date on the implementation of our Safe School Policies and Guidelines. In order for consistency, please ensure that the following practices are in place.


All members have a name tag/FOB that is linked to the call out system. If you’ve accepted an assignment, your fob will work at that school for that day.

Classroom Keys and School Information for Occasional Teachers

Classroom keys are to be provided by school administrators for occasional teachers so they are able to lock their classroom doors during Code Red.   In addition, please ensure that school information is also provided for our occasional teachers. If you are not receiving a key at any assignment, please contact the office and we will contact the board to ensure there are enough keys at every school. This is part of the central agreement language and is your right!

You as the classroom teacher are responsible for the safety of your students, make sure you are issued your keys!

If you have any questions, please contact your Superintendent of Education.

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